AAA Cards DT: Along the edge #220

Challenge time again over at AAA Cards and the theme for the fortnight is ‘along the edge’ with the optional twist of ‘under the sea’. As always, the card should be clean and simple – minimum layers and embellishments and lots of empty/white space. Here’s my design team card for your inspiration:

CAS card with under the sea theme

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LIM DT: Traditional Christmas colours

Well, it’s mid-July and we’re in a Christmas mood. At least, the crafting world is celebrating Christmas in July as most of the manufacturers release their seasonal goodies. Over at Less is More clean and simple card challenge blog,  we are entering into this spirit with a colour challenge of ‘traditional Christmas’. I guess, like the challenge at the beginning of the month, that this is open to interpretation! I’ve gone with a classic red, green and gold:

traditional christmas colours - red green and gold Continue reading

AAA Cards DT: Christmas pets in July (#219)

As previously mentioned, Christmas in July is a thing in the crafting community. This week at AAA Cards challenge blog, the theme is ‘anything CAS goes’ with the optional twist of Christmas (pets) in July. I’m not a fan of the whole Christmas thing, especially starting in July, and am renowned for being a little bah humbug about the whole thing! So this card suitably sums up my state of mind…

bah humbug bulldog card Continue reading

AAA Cards DT: Sketch with flowers (#218)

For those unfamiliar with card making terms, a sketch refers to a predetermined layout as a guide for your card. The latest challenge at AAA Cards is for a clean and simple card following such a sketch (pic below). Sketches are great recipes for those new to, or not confident in, card making and scrapbooking. There’s the optional extra to use flowers. Here’s my take on the theme:

sketch inspired card with flowers Continue reading

LIM DT: Just one image (OLC)

It’s a challenge of ones at Less is More this week – just one image and just one layer. The theme forces a very much no-frills clean and simple card. I had to rummage in my stash again to find a suitable stamp. Some were too big for a C6 card blank, others might have been considered to be more than one image (I was particularly thinking along those lines when looking at collage stamps). Thus, here’s my clean and simple, just one image, one layer card:

just one image of cute bear holding bouquet Continue reading

AAA Cards DT: 1/9th ± butterflies (#217)

The current challenge at AAA Cards blog is to use a rectangle just 1/9th of the card face. The optional twist is to add butterflies to your layout. The normal ratio of white space to an image on a clean and simple card is 2/3rds to 1/3rd, so reducing this again makes for an extremely clean card, though not necessarily simpler. Here’s my take on the theme:

1/9th butterfly card Continue reading

LIM DT: Masculine

What makes a card masculine? It’s a perennial problem for card makers, and I’m no exception. So when the theme came up at Less is More this week, I wasn’t overly impressed! I found a set of clear stamps of tags that I bought several years ago and have barely used, and came up with this card:

masculine card with top hat on a tag Continue reading

AAA Cards DT: Shaker Card (#216)

Oh boy… somehow I have managed to avoid/not get round to making a shaker card. For the uninitiated, a shaker card typically has glitter/confetti/hundreds and thousands in a clear window that, well, shake and mix when the card is moved. The latest challenge at AAA Cards is to use a stack of macaroons as the colour theme for a clean and simple card, with the option to make it into a shaker card. So, without further ado, I present my very first shaker card:

shaker card Continue reading

LIM DT: Rainbow colour challenge

I’m looking forward to a plethora of brightly coloured cards over the next fortnight in response to the latest clean and simple card challenge from Less is More. It’s a colour challenge: ‘rainbow’. It’s been a long time since I featured a rainbow on a card and I couldn’t think of a stamp that was in my stash that had a rainbow on it. So, I dumped one possible interpretation of the theme and went with just the colours:

rainbow coloured strip birthday card Continue reading