Persian Diamonds – tangle pattern

Another pattern adapted from 10th century Persian stucco borders. I think it would look great with the ‘lines’ coloured in as well (the inverse of the shaded sample). Careful shading would also make the outlines pop off the page… Hmmm, must have a go at all of those!

Tomorrow, 13 of 14: ‘Per-de-lys’.


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Persian Triangles – tangle pattern

This is another pattern based on a Persian stucco border from the 13th or 14th century. It’s a bit tricky as the inner triangles are not connected to the grid lines (else it would just be a matter of drawing lots of parallel lines and colouring in alternate triangles). I found the trick was to draw the lines in step 4 quite close together in the middle. If you draw the triangles to be equilateral, it might be even easier!

Tomorrow, 10 of 14, a ‘Persian Flower Border’.

Persian Hearts – tangle pattern

This pattern is based on a 6th century Sassanian compound twill. I don’t know where that is either, nor what a compound twill is! Roll on the textile teaching later on this term… One tip: start the hearts at the tip – this helps with their placement in the angles.

Tomorrow – three patterns for the price of one, and half way through our fortnight of persian patterns, 7 of 14: ‘Persian Borders’.