Here are some more sketchnotes that I have done during sermons at Whetstone Baptist Church. It’s a great way to take notice of what’s being said, as well as potentially emphasising different points that develop as the visual language of the sketchnote does its own thing. Working in real time is an interesting challenge, and with nothing more than the title at the start, the rest of the page is unplanned. And if you’ve noted the themes are all similar, that’s because these services were in the lead up to a fundraising weekend when we were all challenged to give sacrificially toward the construction of a new church building designed to meet the needs of a growing congregation and a changing community. We are now so close to our goal of just over £3 million – it’s so exciting. If you’d like to help out, a donation button can be found along with details of our building plans on the church website here.
[completed in Moleskine pocket sketchbook with Lamy Safari fine nib pen with Noodler’s Bulletproof black ink]
Oh Neil I LOVE these! I remember the last ones you did and how impressed I was. They are so pithy and full of truth, and visually beautiful too – the composition is amazing, considering they are done live during the sermon – there’s definitely some divine inspiration going on there! They are really, really great. Have you ever had them published in your church newsletter? I am sure they would be much appreciated. Have you shown your minister?