Nave – tangle pattern

Day Six: Nave. This pattern seems to crop up in stone work all over the place. I’ve seen it on the bridge buttresses on the way into Leicester city centre going over the River Soar… I’ve seen it in the stonework of Church of the Martyrs on Westcotes Drive in Leicester. And I’m sure you’ve seen it in gothic architecture near you! Now you can include it in your tangles 🙂

And the final installment tomorrow is: ‘Ceramix’.

CB5 – tangle pattern

Day Five: the Revenge of the Reincarnated Returning Curly Braces. Yes, they’re back. Not content with the franchise reaching four patterns, the curly brackets have done it again bringing the world a fifth outing. They snuck into a doodle that started out in a completely different way, but then was gruesomely taken over by the curly braces barging their way into my consciousness… Invidious things, curly brackets. Beware 😉

Tomorrow’s penultimate daily dose of tangle goodness: ‘Nave’.

Dickies – tangle pattern

Day Four of my daily tangle pattern week: and I’ve probably watched one too many episodes of ‘Bargain Hunt’… [For the non-UK residents, it’s an antique-buying and selling competition on day time TV, hosted by antiques expert Tim Wonnacott who is rarely seen without a dickie-bow]. This pattern also cries out for colour, but black and white patterns work just as well for me. The six I’ve shown are by no means an exhaustive list – try some of the other tangle patterns in each bow shape…

Tomorrow’s tangle pattern: oh yes, there’s another one – curly braces make a fifth comeback in the sequel of all sequels ‘CB5’.

Raffia – tangle pattern

Day Two of my daily publication of seven new tangle patterns. ‘Raffia’ is, I guess, an adaptation of the numerous basket-weave based tangle patterns. It uses an offset repeat, which is a bit tricky at first, but drawing the base crosses speeds things up enormously! Once you’ve done those, fill in the ‘cords’ and the pattern is complete.

Tomorrow’s pattern: ‘Oranges and Lemons’.

New Tangle Patterns

I’ve just finished creating seven new tangle patterns, and I’ve decided to release one each day exclusively on my blog at 17:00 hrs GMT each day for the next seven days. I’ll then publish them all to Flickr so my non-blog followers can play catch up 😉

Don’t forget to check in later for today’s first pattern – titled ‘inverse square law’.

Mile Straight – tangle pattern

This tangle pattern is named after the stretch of the River Soar that runs through Leicester. The embankment was renovated some years ago, and incorporated new railings containing this pattern. I’ve included my photo of them below. I also declare this to be my 50th tangle pattern!