Here are some more Bible journaling pages I’ve recently completed. Continue reading for the button to press if you would like to download the outlines for your own use – it’s free!
Tag Archives: NIV
Bible Journaling: Acrylics, masking and off-the-page
It’s a while since I have done any Bible journaling, but for this month’s session, I did an off-the-page piece. I wanted to encourage my class to work outside their Bible and show off their skills. This is designed to fit into a Ribba frame from Ikea and is approx. 8″ square. It is available to purchase here.
Bible Journaling: five more illustrations
Sorry it has been so long since I last posted some Bible journaling. May was not a good month for inspiration, and I’ve also been working on a quilt that I will be teaching later in the year which needed finishing. More on the quilt to follow once I have written the pattern!
Back to Bible journaling… all today’s verses are from the letters end of the New Testament. I’m working through a list of verses that I have noted in Biblical order – you’ll be able to tell how close I am to the end of that list!
More Bible Journaling
In between creating Christmas lanterns (post to follow), I have had some time to do some more Bible journaling. In readiness for next month’s Bible journaling session, I’ve been looking at using colour palettes. I’ve used as my source – there are oodles of prepared palettes to choose from along with the inspiration photos.
Bible Journaling: more examples
I’ve been creating some new Bible journaling this week. I’ve also been trying out some different art materials – more info after the gallery.
Bible Journaling: When it all goes wrong…
As with everything internet, I tend to only post things I am happy with. It’s the same with quality control in The Studio – it only goes out of the door if either my guest is happy, or I’m happy (and hopefully both) with the result of hard work. Today I’m going to share the process that led to this illustration:
Bible Journaling: New Year
Happy New Year to all my loyal readers and Studio guests! A new year is a great time to resolve to start something new – it just so happens I’m starting a new teaching session each month looking at Bible journaling. It’ll be on the third Monday evening, starting in January. For the first session, we’ll look at materials and media, as well as embarking on our first journaling.
In the meantime, I’ve done some more journaling that I thought I would share. First up, a verse for the new year in both my NIV and NLT journaling Bibles:
Bible Journaling: Christmas 2018
The weather outside is frightful – the risk of freezing rain didn’t amount to much, but it’s cold, dark, blustery with heavy rain. As a result, I am in a toasty warm studio with pencils and pens out and doing some Bible journaling. I thought I’d take some of the less familiar scripture verses that are relevant to the Christmas story and develop some graphics to capture them in my margins.
Bible Journaling: Another November release
I’m not exactly busy in The Studio at the moment – I’m no longer doing TV prep and I’m not on any design teams, so I’m left to my own devices. I have plenty of time, as a result, to do my own thing. At the moment, it’s developing tangle patterns and Bible journaling – and prepping for my craft stall on Friday and Saturday (Lutterworth Town Hall, F: 5-9pm, S:10am – 4pm if you’re interested).
For this release of Bible journaled verses, I kept to my general style, but I have added a couple of sketches (one thanks to free-to-use Armour of God from I also added a motivational phrase to illustrate the verse – this is the first time I have used text other than the verse itself. As is now normal, I have used coloured pencils and fine tip pigment pens to avoid bleed-through.
Now seems to be a good opportunity for a plug… Starting on the third Monday in January, I will be hosting a Bible Journaling Session here at The Studio from 7:30-10pm, £5. We’ll look at materials and methods and then have themes for the evenings such as lettering, colouring techniques and using different media to decorate our Bibles.
Bible Journaling: Old & New
I’ve been busy Bible journaling, trying to get back into the habit of reading and reflecting on what it is I am drawing. I’ve found my own style now, and my process still begins with choosing the words or phrases I’d like the emphasis to rest on in my illustration. Next is playing with typography, something I now prefer to do on screen – the undo function creases the page less than trying to rub out pencil lines! Then follows adding illustrations where appropriate, before tracing and colouring into my Bible.
One benefit of working in this way is that there is a FREE downloadable version containing all five outlines for you to print out and do your own thing with… just click the button: