Jumping Beans – tangle pattern

Well dear reader, welcome to another week of daily tangle goodness 🙂

This first pattern is direct from a childhood memory of a small ball bearing in a capsule simulating a Mexican jumping bean. Just one rule with this – make sure the ‘ball’ is consistently placed by gravity, only horizontal capsules can have the ball placed anywhere. Fill in the gaps with movement lines.

Tomorrow’s pattern: ‘Ovate’.

Rokpool – tangle pattern

Day Seven: I’ve saved my favourite until last… Rokpool developed from a sketch twice the size, but I couldn’t tell what fit into the gap between what became mussels neatly lined up. So I shrank the sketch down, and added the ripples. I love the pattern that resulted, and it reminds me of woodcut type patterns.

There you go, another week of daily patterns is over. I hope you enjoyed them!

Leggo – tangle pattern

Day Four: almost as painful as treading on one of those Danish bricks that inspired this simple pattern. My wrist started aching after drawing three panels of tiny circles! The rule for this one is to stick to the traditional brick sizes when drawing in your grid in step two. Those that like to tangle in colour will like the shading opportunities presented here.

Tomorrow’s tangle loveliness: ‘Bawballs’.

Noodlz – tangle pattern

Day Three: ok, I was sort of hungry when I played with this pattern. It looks pretty simple and random, and it is. But there was a sort of rule I was trying to stick to: start with a nobble, squiggle, end with a nobble. Draw your next nobble by the one you’ve just finished and squiggle again. Ideally, if you stick to the rule, your nobbles should always be in pairs. I clearly didn’t manage to stick to the rules… must have been the hunger 😉

Tomorrow’s midway tangle pattern: ‘Leggo’.