Bible Journaling: Family (BJ-32)

I’ve found five verses that referred to us being God’s children and created templates using my normal combination of inspiration and AI image generation. I’ve not used watercolour pencils for a while, so I decided to get them out for these illustrations. Here are my samples, and below the break you can find the download link for my free PDF template for the ‘family’ themed pieces.

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Art Journal Session: Twinchies

Back in the day, when there were still many crafting magazines available, free clear stamps were included as a cover gift. Somehow I still have a collection of these, which are all still clear and functional. Finding them in my stash, I came up with this month’s theme for the art journaling session at The Studio: twinchies. For the unfamiliar, twinchies are 2″ square elements for crafting and the giveaway stamps fit perfectly. Using mixed media and appropriate papers, I created this:

Series of 24 twinchies (2" square pictures) arranged in a sketchbook as an art journaling project.
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Card making: Online Card Classes – Extraordinary Embossing Folders Day 1

In the first of a series of posts, I am going to update you on what I have been doing during my blog’s radio silence… Several groups have been postponed for various reasons, so I have not posted about them, and I have spent the time on a number of projects. This week has been a new Online Card Class; Extraordinary Embossing Folders. For five days there were two videos per day with techniques to expand your use of embossing folders. It’s been a while since I did any card making, so it was good to do some today based on the first day of class:

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Bible Journaling: some Old Testament goodies (BJ-27)

Well, this evening’s Bible Journaling Session was due to take its inspiration from some Old Testament verses. Unfortunately, not enough people could attend today and the session has been postponed to Monday, 8th April. For those unfamiliar with Bible Journaling, using the provided templates and examples participants trace and colour into their own wide-margin Bibles, reflecting on the verse as they do so. There’s also a lot of space for chat, catching up and not forgetting a cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate. The sessions are monthly, cost £5, and are suitable for artists and non-artists alike. More details are on my workshops page or by getting in touch with me. This month’s choice of illustrations are pictured below, and the templates are available as a free download from my online shop.

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Pebble Painting: Christmas and Easter

It seems (on a quick search through my posts and pics) that I have been remiss and have failed to share a project I designed, completed and taught last year. I’ve created another version this month – hence this post. May I introduce my Christmas and Easter pebble painting…

Pebble painting - Christmas
Pebble painting - Easter
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Bibe Journaling: A pee-side pulpit

You may have heard of a way-side pulpit – the posters with a meaningful, or sometimes witty, quote or remark designed to catch the eye and prompt thought as you walk or drive past. Well, at my church this has been taken to another level… a pee-side pulpit. Taking note of the eye level advertising that seems to be in public conveniences, similar frames are strategically placed in the building’s toilets. I’ve been asked to contribute toward the ‘verse of the month’ designs and for January came up with this:

pee-side pulpit in the men's toilet featuring Deuteronomy 31:6
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Bible Journaling: Colour Challenge (BJ-26)

For the first Bible Journaling Session of 2024, we’re having a colour challenge. All of us have our favourite colours that we reach for… Sometimes we can get stuck choosing new palettes and our work becomes a little samey. During our session, we will use different colour palettes to try and break out of our tonal rut. Here are my samples – carry on reading to see the colour palettes I used.

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LIM DT: Blue, pink and white colour challenge

We have a colour challenge over at Less is More this week… Your clean and simple card should feature blue, pink and white to enter our gallery. Now, my cards don’t necessarily fit the guidance for ‘simple’ or ‘easily reproducible’ but I find them rather pleasing and am running with them! Here’s my first card for the design team inspiration page and below is another I made:

Blue embossed mandala with pink and white shading to colour mounted onto white card blank using foam pads.
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Bible Journaling; Jeremiah (BJ-25)

It’s time for another Bible Journaling session at The Studio. In a change to the published programme, there is no session tonight – it has been moved to next week (16th Oct) so that more can attend. There are still spaces available: just let me know if you’d like to come. We’ll be working on verses from Jeremiah. As always, the session is suitable for complete beginners to accomplished artists, with templates available for those that aren’t brave enough to do their own thing from the start. I’m setting a ‘one colour challenge’ and there’s the opportunity to add some sparkle to your pages. Here are the examples for the evening:

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Bible Journaling: Acts (BJ-24)

In our Bible journaling session on Monday evening, we’ll be exploring verses from Acts. Free downloadable templates for these illustrations are available from my online shop. As normal, the evening starts at 7:30pm, costs £5 and will feature a new technique of using pastel pencils for colouring. Suitable for beginners, and if you don’t have a Bible to work in you can work on paper and make a bookmark. Book your place now 🙂

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