My normal journaling Bible is pretty much full of my illustrations. I tend not to decorate both sides of the page which starts restricting the number that will fit in. I also prefer to have the illustration on the same side or spread as the actual verse, which further reduces the options. Making five illustrations for each monthly Bible journaling session has further strained the spaces left.
So, the time had come to think about a new Bible. I came across the concept of an interleaved journaling Bible – a blank page between each page of text. This was exciting as it opened the possibility of larger illustrations. The only version I could find was ESV, but there is a super leather-bound version that ended up on my wish list. Then I found a new NIV journaling Bible – it has thicker paper, introduces a few blank pages, and is specifically geared toward art journaling.
Black Friday saw the Bible art journaling NIV translation discounted, so that was purchased. And then, handily, Christmas came round and I was given the ESV leather-bound Bible by my mum.
Yesterday, I took the opportunity to do my first illustration in the ESV interleaved Bible, working with a new full set of Polychromos colouring pencils. My normal process worked nicely: design on computer, trace and colour. ChatGPT helped with colour choices once again.