You may have heard of a way-side pulpit – the posters with a meaningful, or sometimes witty, quote or remark designed to catch the eye and prompt thought as you walk or drive past. Well, at my church this has been taken to another level… a pee-side pulpit. Taking note of the eye level advertising that seems to be in public conveniences, similar frames are strategically placed in the building’s toilets. I’ve been asked to contribute toward the ‘verse of the month’ designs and for January came up with this:

And here it is in context…

In the end, I created four originals to go in the various different relieving points across the building. The selected quote was quite long, I didn’t find much to illustrate it and it was a little of a rush job resulting in me mainly playing with the typography, style and colour.
Tomorrow’s Bible Journaling Session at The Studio is going to be a ‘colour challenge’ and I thought I would subject myself to the same challenge. I used Google to search for ‘art deco colour palette’ and this was the first to appear:

Printing it out on my laser colour printer didn’t faithfully reproduce the colours, but it was close enough to run with. I used my Silhouette Cameo with a 0.2mm nib pigment marker attached to draw out the text outlines onto thin card before testing, colouring in and shading with each of the matched media. I forgot to take pics of them all before I dropped them off, but I’m fairly sure the one in the men’s (above) is the ProMarker version. Using different colours for the different components of the poster resulted in four very different appearances – a couple of which I really didn’t like. But, they will never been seen next to each other and no-one will be any the wiser 😉
- Pastel Pink / Petrol Blue / Indigo Blue / Pumpkin / Vanilla / Cool Grey 1-3
Faber Castell Albrecht Dürer watercolour pencils
- Rose Carmine (124)
- Cobalt Turquoise (153)
- Dark Indigo (157)
- Burnt Ochre (187)
- Warm Grey II (271)
Faber Castell Polychromos colouring pencils
- Medium Flesh (131)
- Prussian Blue (246)
- Dark Indigo (157)
- Burnt Ochre (187)
- Warm Grey II (271) and V (274)