Following a tough 16 months of closure due to the coronavirus restrictions nationally and locally, and the Prime Minister’s announcement yesterday, I am delighted to announce the Studio is able to reopen from Monday (19th July).
In an abundance of caution, there will be a few changes to my sessions. I am reducing the maximum group size from eight to four per session to allow more space between attendees. The windows will be open throughout, so, if it’s due to be chilly, bring layers. I will sanitize all surfaces but as I can’t wipe down all the kit between sessions I will be supplying hand sanitizer for use at the beginning and during sessions at each workstation. Face coverings will be optional, in line with national guidance, though I’d still recommend wearing one if you’re not fully vaccinated. Please do not attend if you are feeling unwell, particularly if you have symptoms of coronavirus. I will, of course, keep everything under review and let you know of any changes.
If you’re at all unsure about being in a group again, contact me and we can work out a time for a one-to-one session.
Session timetable changes
Due to the reduced numbers at each session, I will be trialing the following:
- All sessions must be booked in advance to ensure space is available right up to the start of the session, though I’d prefer a little bit of notice – you will be able to do this via email or text/phone/Whatsapp/carrier pigeon (I’ll give you my mobile number if you need it).
- Come & Craft/Stashbuster Clinic: every Tuesday evening 7:30-10 pm or Wednesday afternoons 1:30-4 pm.
- Art Journaling: 1st and 3rd Monday evenings of the month 7:30-10 pm. We’ll be using the same theme at both sessions.
- Bible Journaling: 2nd and 4th Monday evenings of the month 7:30-10 pm. We’ll be using the same theme at both sessions.
- Stitch and Quilt: Wednesday afternoons 1:30-4 pm.
- Other times may be available by arrangement.
- All sessions remain at £5 per session.
I know these changes will make the dynamics of the groups different from a year ago, but I hope we’ll adapt and that you will be able to come back to the Studio.