I’ve been creating some new Bible journaling this week. I’ve also been trying out some different art materials – more info after the gallery.

Materials: Faber-Castell Polychromos Pencils, Pigma Micron pen.
I didn’t like this at all – for me, the colour blend didn’t work and the emphasis just wasn’t there. So I did some more work…

Materials: Stickles Glitter Glue, Faber-Castell Albrecht Durer watercolour pencils.
I was a little happier with the outcome. The watercolour pencils are impressively soluble and the colour palette matches the Polychromos pencils.

Polychromos pencils, Pigma Micron pen, Tombow calligraphy pen, Distress Ink – Pumice Stone, That’s Crafty! stencil

Polychromos pencils, Pigma Micron pen, Tombow calligraphy pen, Zest-It solvent.
The purple text initially wasn’t solid enough, so I painted it with the solvent to give a watercolour effect before colouring over whilst it was still damp.