Bible Journaling: Family (BJ-32)

I’ve found five verses that referred to us being God’s children and created templates using my normal combination of inspiration and AI image generation. I’ve not used watercolour pencils for a while, so I decided to get them out for these illustrations. Here are my samples, and below the break you can find the download link for my free PDF template for the ‘family’ themed pieces.

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Art Journaling: Cloth Collage (with step-by-step tutorial)

When I’m looking for potential techniques and ideas for my art journaling sessions, I often reach for analogue sources: books. For this evening’s session, I took inspiration from ‘101 More Mixed Media Techniques’. In the fabrics & fibers [sic] section, there is information on sticking and covering elements and pages. And so my cloth collage theme was born and this is what I came up with:

Fabric collage art journaling tutorial with stamped calico and matte medium.
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Bible Journaling: Watchful hearts

For this month’s Bible journaling theme, I’ve chosen the loose title of ‘watchful hearts’. I’ve tried to collect verses which encourage anticipation of Christ’s return and getting your heart right with God.

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Art Journal Session: ‘Industrial Grunge’

This month’s art journaling session was on the theme of ‘industrial grunge’. I thought it would be a great chance to revisit rust effects, drips and runs and also use up some of the matte black vinyl I seem to have inadvertently collected over the years… I also exercised AI skills using Microsoft Designer to create the graffiti and worked with ChatGPT to develop the colour scheme, selecting the base colours with my Nix Mini 3 digital colourimeter. Here’s what I came up with:

industrial grunge art journal page
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Bible Journaling: a few more pee-pulpit posters

I continue to design Bible journaling posters for display in my church‘s toilets on an (almost) monthly basis. I call it a pee-pulpit and particularly in the gents’, the posters are front and centre. The designs are a combination of AI-generated backgrounds (that take ages to tweak to fit my mental image) and Photoshop techniques I am learning. I think my last update was in June, so here are a few more displayed since then:

Bible Journaling: Renewed Connection

This evening’s Bible Journaling Session used verses loosely based on the theme of ‘renewed connection’. I don’t do New Year’s resolutions, but even so, this is a great aim to consider for the year. Alongside coming to the monthly sessions as well, of course…

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Art Journal Session: Twinchies

Back in the day, when there were still many crafting magazines available, free clear stamps were included as a cover gift. Somehow I still have a collection of these, which are all still clear and functional. Finding them in my stash, I came up with this month’s theme for the art journaling session at The Studio: twinchies. For the unfamiliar, twinchies are 2″ square elements for crafting and the giveaway stamps fit perfectly. Using mixed media and appropriate papers, I created this:

Series of 24 twinchies (2" square pictures) arranged in a sketchbook as an art journaling project.
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Bible Journaling: a new format [Isaiah 43:2]

My normal journaling Bible is pretty much full of my illustrations. I tend not to decorate both sides of the page which starts restricting the number that will fit in. I also prefer to have the illustration on the same side or spread as the actual verse, which further reduces the options. Making five illustrations for each monthly Bible journaling session has further strained the spaces left.

So, the time had come to think about a new Bible. I came across the concept of an interleaved journaling Bible – a blank page between each page of text. This was exciting as it opened the possibility of larger illustrations. The only version I could find was ESV, but there is a super leather-bound version that ended up on my wish list. Then I found a new NIV journaling Bible – it has thicker paper, introduces a few blank pages, and is specifically geared toward art journaling.

Black Friday saw the Bible art journaling NIV translation discounted, so that was purchased. And then, handily, Christmas came round and I was given the ESV leather-bound Bible by my mum.

Yesterday, I took the opportunity to do my first illustration in the ESV interleaved Bible, working with a new full set of Polychromos colouring pencils. My normal process worked nicely: design on computer, trace and colour. ChatGPT helped with colour choices once again.

An illustration of Isaiah 43:2 in an interleaved ESV art journaling Bible.
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Quilt No. 032: Christmas FQ Stars

It has been some years since I last made a Christmas-themed quilt. I have been collecting seasonal fat quarters for that long as well, and I felt it was time to actually do something with them. My family Christmas at the end of November provided the perfect inspiration in the form of a book ‘Quilts from Quarters’ and I chose to adapt the ‘Octagonal Stars’ pattern. Quick making notes and critique of the pattern follow, but here’s the finished article:

Christmas FQ Stars quilt: octagonal stars using Christmas themed fabrics with calico background and sashing.
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